Insurance Waiver,
Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement and Discipline Policy
Welcome to the
Families United Network Academy, Inc. For insurance purposes we are asking each parent/teacher to sign the following form,
providing their agreement to the policy:
-I understand that at least one parent teacher
of enrolled children are required to stay on the premises at all times. Children may NOT attend without one parent attending
with them. If it is necessary to leave for any reason, I or my spouse agree to take our child/children with us. I or
my spouse agree not to leave the campus grounds while our child/children are attending.
If I am a teacher for a class that is scheduled to leave the campus for instruction, I am still the responsible party
for my child(ren) left behind on campus. Parents are the sole person(s) responsible for the child(ren), even if they
secure an adult to act on their behalf, as is instructed in this instance. NO other teacher, administrator, or
member of the academy is liable for any injury or fault, should I or my spouse choose to leave the campus to teach a
class and therefore leave our other child(ren) on campus with another designated adult of our choosing to supervise,
including the adult we may have chosen to supervise.
-If my child's behavior
is disruptive to the rest of the participants, I understand that my child will be escorted to me or my spouse. On a second
occasion, if my child's behavior is disruptive the child will be unable to participate for the day. On a third occasion, if
my child's behavior is disruptive he/she will be escorted to me or my spouse and will not be permitted to attend the academy
for the remainder of the quarter.
-By signing this form, I agree not to hold the Families United Network Academy or
any of their members or trustees, liable for any injuries that may occur to my child(ren) while participating in school activities.
I ___________________________________ (parent’s name) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Families United Network Academy and it’s employees/volunteers, from and against all
claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys fees in case it shall become necessary to file an action arising
out of performance of the work herein which is (1) for personal or bodily injury, illness or death, or for property damage,
including loss of use, and (2) caused in whole or in part by our participating child’s negligent act or omission or
that of a subcontractor, or that of anyone employed by them or for whose acts contractor or subcontractor may be liable. This
indemnification and agreement shall apply in all instances whether the Families United Network Academy is made a party to
the action or claim or is subsequently made a party to the action by third-party in-pleading, or is made a party to a collateral
action arising in whole or in part from any of the issues emanating from the original cause of action or claim.
I have read and do understand the insurance waiver, indemnity and hold harmless agreement including all instructions
within, and the discipline policy above and I agree to abide by and adhere to all it's terms.
By: _________________________________(signature of parent)