NJ Non-Profit Corp # on file
IRS Non-Profit 501(c)(3) ID# on file
NCES School ID# on file
Member school of CSI (Christian Schools International) # on file
Program Accreditation through the National Association of Private Schools
Families United Network Academy has been granted
501 (c)(3) non-profit status as a tuition-free private Christian school. Additionally, FUN Academy has been approved
for NJ tax exemption.
The Academy is a member school of CSI (Christian Schools International), known for their academic support
of Christian schools since 1920. Accreditation of the educational program was granted by N.A.P.S.
NJ law places registration requirements on a limited category of private schools that are NOT operated by charitable
institutions, as per N.J. Rev. Stat. 18A:69-1 et seq. FUN Academy will be seeking any registration, licensing, or accreditation
as required in accordance to the statue.