HUMANITIES - CLEP General Exam Worth 6 Credits

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Week Nine Assignments

Now it is time to begin working on the practice tests. Inside the REA Best Prep Exams book are three Humanities practice exams. You should take each exam and then review your wrong answers in the "detailed explanations of answers" section to determine what mistake you made. After you review your answers move onto the next practice test. Do this for all three tests.  More recommendations for practice tests procedures are available on the ClepPrep FAQ section of the website.

IMPORTANT - spend atleast two weeks taking the practice tests, one at a time, and reviewing all incorrect answers so that you know the material.

We recommend that you retake each exam after you have reviewed your first attempt.

**Additional online practice tests can be found here, for a small fee.



Email me with any final questions you may have about the material or the exam and we'll find the answers together!

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