Thank you again for inviting us
and hosting a marvelous tournament. It will be fondly remembered in story telling by all for a long time.
Hi Tricia,
Thank you soooo much for all of your hard work organizing and running the homeschool basketball
tournament yesterday. My son, Jonathan, had a great time, and the assistant coach of his team asked me to thank you for
the wonderful job you did. I was sad Jonathan didn't come over and introduced himself to you, but he said he didn't
want to bother you, because you were busy running the event (I can easily imagine that!).
Anyway, it sounds like
everyone had a wonderful time.
I'm looking forward to hearing what the final results of the tournament were.
you again for all you do for homeschoolers in NJ!
What a uniquie experience for our kids. The Wachovia people were
so nice to work with and they went the "extra mile" accomodating my needs. The lady who escorted me to the elevator
and up to main floor told me that this was one of the best groups they have had and they wouldn't mind us coming back again.
What a possitive iexample of Christianity and the homeschool community was shown yesterday.
God Bless,
The tournament was so cool! Definitely a unique experience! It was awesome to see our kids down there!
I heard reports of the employees saying that this was one of the best groups they had seen! May the Lord continue to
be glorified and honored in all we do!
Tricia, All I can say is, "Wow!!" How
special to be at the Wachovia Center watching young, enthusiastic, excited basketball players in a court reserved for the
"Top Picks" of the professional game. Everyone, including the smallest spectators, was eager and respectful and appeared
to enjoy the tournament day to the max. Thank you Tricia and Brian McQuarrie, and all the individuals and families (Bensons,
Thornes, Wrights) who worked together to make today happen. Thank you, too, to those who purchased/sold tickets and
showed up for the coin drops.
When homeschoolers dream, they dream big!!!!
Hi all, To all who helped with the basketball tournament at the Wachovia center......Thank you! I am thankful
that we were able to take part in such a great day. It's truly a homeschool memory that we will have for the rest of
our lives. Blessings, Syrita