1) Read 20 pages of the Sociology Super Review by REA. Take notes if you like, as
this will help you to remember. Do not worry if you do not understand it all. Remember, this is college material
and we have plenty of time.
2) Make vocabulary flash cards on any special sociology terms in the above reading assignment.
Your flashcards should be written so that the word is on the front of the card and the definition is on the back of the card,
so you can quiz yourself later.
3) Read pages 13-19 of the REA Intro to Sociology book.
4) Briefly answer the following questions. All the answers were in this weeks first
reading assignment. Write the answers on a sheet of paper and bring it to class. Thanks!
-Sociology studies what?
-Psychology studies what?
-What are the "two main perspectives sociologists may base their work upon?"
-Are most sociologists purely humanistic or scientific?
-What are the "features that make a society distinct" called?
-Name the 7 social institutions you studied in this lesson.